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[mgp-users 01344] Re: How can I obtain black foreground and white background

From: Carl-Olof Almbladh <Carl-Olof.Almbladh@teorfys.lu.se>
Subject: [mgp-users 01343] Re: How can I obtain black foreground and white background
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 22:31:05 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>

 > Dear all,
 > In response to Nishid's reply I post a .mgp file that
 > always gives white foreground irrespective of any %fore
 > commands.
 > It is obtained by editing "sample.mgp" in distribution 
 > magicpoint-1.10a. No matter how I do it, foreground is white
 > meaining that the text is invisible. I have made a temporary
 > workaround by generating _all_ text with latex - then the
 > %fore command is honored by mgp 

Ah.. I understand your issue. This is a bug in 1.10a. 
You need to put the following directive after %page. (you might want
to use %default to set this directive in every page)

%opaque 100

Yoshifumi Nishida