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[mgp-users 01342] Re: How can I obtain black foreground and white background

Please describe your problem more precisely.
When you specify black foreground and white background, what will happen?
Can you show your mgp file?
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Carl-Olof Almbladh <Carl-Olof.Almbladh@teorfys.lu.se>
Subject: [mgp-users 01341] How can I obtain black foreground and white background
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 12:40:00 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <>

 > Dear everyone,
 > I have not been able to obtain black foreground and
 > white background. I also notice that the mmaker script
 > uses this as their default, and therefore also mmaker fails
 > I am grateful for any help
 > Carl-Olof Almbladh