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[mgp-users 01313] Re: another bug? (this might be mine.)


From: fis@gmx.li
Subject: [mgp-users 01312] another bug? (this might be mine.)
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 14:16:43 +0200
Message-ID: <>

 > hi again, does the following document contain a bug or is it the
 > rendering engine?  symptom: "aha!" should have the same size as "ihi",
 > but in fact has the size of "oho".

Well, it's not a bug. It's the way mgp sets the size of the fonts.
When mgp draws "title" or "ihi", mgp uses default size 10 since no "%size"
is not seen at this moment. But, when mgp draws "aha!", mgp uses "size 3" 
because mgp got size 3 when it drew "oho".
If you don't like this behavior, you can set "tab 0" to specify the size
of the lines that start with a non-tab character.

 > also, the font setting to "typewriter" in line 4 has no effect, nor
 > does it cause an error.  i don't know where to start investigations
 > into this matter either.

I guess you're using xft or freetype library for rendering.
Please use "-x xft -x freetype" to suppress these libraries.

Yoshifumi Nishida