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[mgp-users 01307] Re: bug, when, using, tabs?

Sorry, always the same... I forgot the attachements.
%deffont "standard" tfont "Verdana.ttf"
%deffont "italic" tfont "Verdana_Italic.ttf"
%default 1 center, size 6, fore "white", back "black", font "standard", vgap 40
%tab 1 size 4, vgap 35, icon box "brown" 30, font "italic", center

%include "default2.mgp"

Did you feel the mountains tremble
	Spürtest du, wie die Berge zitterten?

Did you hear the ocean roar?
	Hörtest du den Ozean brüllen?

When the people rose to sing of
	Als die Menschen aufstanden um

Jesus Christ the risen one
	Jesus Christus, dem Auferstandnen, zu singen