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[mgp-users 01302] image scaling in different screens


I recently started using MagicPoint (Version 1.10a). Thank you for
writing this useful software.

I found a problem with imported images. (.eps in my case, but it seems
to apply to .jpg as well)

The only way to keep the relative (to screensize) size of an image
constant between screens of different resolution (and roughly constant
between screenoutput and postscript output) is to scale it relative to
the screen size. Since image- and screen-x/y-dimensions are usually
different, a manual calculation is then necessary to get suitable x-
and y-scalefactors for keeping the image-x/y-dimension unchanged.

Would it not be better to automate this? For instance by interpreting

%image "someimage.eps" 0 50 -1 0

as to scale the width to the half of the screen while keeping the
original width/height ratio of the image?

Or alternatively, if an image is not scaled or scaled relative to its
original size --- could the ratio of displayed image size and screen
size be kept constant between different screen resolutions as well?
(and similar to the postscript output)