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[mgp-users 01288] Re: using magicpoint as a slide-show

Michael Banck <mbanck@gmx.net> wrote:

> I thought about using magicpoint as a slight show, i.e. I'd like to loop
> through a magicpoint presentation endlessly, with a timeout of a couple
> seconds for each %page or %pause.
> It seems that the -d option is somewhat related to what I'd like to
> achieve, but the presentation runs through in no time. Is there a way to
> do this, besides exporting to .png and looping over that?

You can do:

  mgp -d 10 slides.mgp

to pause for 10 seconds on each slide.

This works only with the newer versions of mgp.  Mine is mgp-1.10a.

Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>