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[mgp-users 01278] Re: bugs in 1.10 not in 1.09...

Hmm... I cannot reproduce the problem you described so far.
Could you send entire your mgp scripts to me?

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: tbrown@nrri.umn.edu
Subject: [mgp-users 01275] bugs in 1.10 not in 1.09...
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:21:43 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <>

 > Couldn't find anywhere else to point these out, hope this isn't an
 > inappropriate place.
 > I think MagicPoint's neat, but I found a couple of things that
 > stopped working for me between 1.09 and 1.10
 > I'm using %pause and %again to get bullet points to appear one by
 > one and change colour, like this:
 > GLEI in house data system
 > %fore "yellow", mark
 > 	Project covers coastal regions of the US side of the...
 > %pause, fore "white", font "standard", again
 > 	Project covers coastal regions of the US side of the...
 > %fore "yellow", mark
 > 	Distinct subprojects include fish, chemical contaminants,
 > %pause, fore "white", font "standard", again
 > 	Distinct subprojects include fish, chemical contaminants,
 > %fore "yellow"
 > 	Subprojects divided into regional teams doing separate data
 > (I've truncated the lines for clarity)
 > Note that I used a sed script to make the file look like this, it
 > would be tedious to do it by hand.
 > Anyway, here's what broke between 1.09 and 1.10
 > - With xft enabled, only the bullet markers are yellow, all the text
 >   is white all the time.  With xft disabled (-x xft) text is yellow
 >   when it first appears, as it should be.
 > - With OR WITHOUT xft enabled, 'mark' and 'again' don't go back to
 >   exactly the same spot, so the text gets smudged.
 > Neither of these things were a problem with 1.09.
 > Cheers -Terry
 > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Terry Brown               Natural Resources Research Institute
 > Research Associate        5013 Miller Trunk Highway
 > tbrown@nrri.umn.edu       University of Minnesota, Duluth
 > Ph. 218 720 4345          Duluth, Minnesota 55811
 > Fax 218 720 4328          http://beaver.nrri.umn.edu/~tbrown/