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[mgp-users 01276] keypad solved, build problems

Hello. I figured out the problem with the keypad; Appearently, the way
we called XLookupKeysym causes modifier keys, including numlock, to be
ignored. So I simply used the unnumlocked key codes, which is slightly
ugly, but works fine and is technically correct.

Here is a patch which makes two changes:

* Makes the numeric keypad numbers behave the same as the normal
  numbers at the top of the keyboard. As a side-effect of the way the
  main_loop is written, we ignore the state of numlock.

* Makes the keypad Enter key behave the same as the g key.

I discovered that Random people want this feature, shortly after
deploying a song lyrics program in the wild, which uses magicpoint for
the eventual display of its product (by the way, magicpoint turns out
to be very useful as a display engine). The very first thing people
asked for was numeric keypad support; this is probably because they
are used to PowerPoint.

Therefore, I suppose this patch will make the program easier to use,
particularly for PowerPoint users.

Thank y'all.

David McCabe
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