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[mgp-users 01217] Re: Bugs in mgp -D and -g

On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 11:39:11AM +0900, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> >So I tried shrinking the size using
> >
> >	mgp -g 717x538 -D directory,
> >
> >and found two problems with that.  One is that the images
> >on the pages did *not* get proportionately rescaled (like
> >the text did), so a large image that fit nicely within the
> >1024x768 frame would only partially fit within the smaller
> >frame.	That behavior effectively makes the -g resizing option
> >only usable for text-only presentations! 8-{
> 	how did you include images into your presentation?  i guess you are
> 	using %image as is, and any non-standard "mgp -g XxY" would corrupt
> 	your presentation.
> 	if you use construct like %newimage -xscrzoom 50 "foo.jpg", the
> 	image will be scaled relative to the screen size, so any -g will work.
> itojun

Aha!  That sounds like exactly what I need.  Thanks for the tip!

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