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[mgp-users 01211] Re: Cygwin


> what would be really cool, is a self-consistent system. What I mean is
> you bring your CD with magicpoint/cygwin-dll/Xserver etc (what else is
> needed ?) so that it can be started from a Windows box without prior
> installation.
> Actually this is one main hindrance for me to use magicpoint exclusively
> over powerpoint, as meeting organizers more and more ask you to provide
> a CD and want you to use their PCs .. usually with Win98/2000/XP.
> Any hints in that direction ?
> (A bootable system like knoppix is *not* an alternative, as usually the
> speaker before/after you will want his powerpoint, and having to reboot
> is quite annoying).
That should be no problem. If you install cygwin it is installed in one folder 
e.g. c:\cygwin. (/usr/bin is than in c:\cygwin\usr\bin).
This folder has to be copied to the cd including your presentation.
Open a msdos window (execute command).
goto e.g. c:\cygwin\bin
and call bash --login -i
and than startx
deppending on you window manager you can now open terminal and call mgp
