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[mgp-users 01195] Usage of mgp (answer to survey question)

> Computer Experience:
> 	Just a User   (no programming experience to speak of)
> 	Beginner Programmer
> 	Intermediate Programmer
 x	Advanced Programmer

> Operating System(s) you Run Magicpoint On (more than one choice okay)
> 	Don't Know
> x	UNIX or Linx (includes Solaris, Red Hat, etc.)
> 	MSFT Windows
> 	Other (specify)

I use mgp for presentations about physics, so there are nearly always
equations involved.

I tend to use the LaTeX filter as provided by Christoph Dalitz (really
useful: you can write latex source in the mgp-file:

I also include animations.

I like the fact that one can create presentations very quickly (just
by typing in the keypoints with a number of tabs).

A while ago, my attention was drawn to pdfscreen which is an
alternative for presentations if you are a LaTeX addict. It doesn't
have all the nice features of mgp (time-bar, being able to draw on
presentation etc) but it can be very useful.

Best regards,
