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[mgp-users 01182] How change font substitutions for mgp2ps?

Fellow MGP users,

I brought over some lovely truetype fonts from my Win98 box
(the most recent Windows OS I have, not having felt the urge
to give $Bill any more $$ since then), and they look great
when I view them in my MGP presentations.

However, when I run mgp2ps, using the -c, -i, -t options, the
results aren't correct.  For one thing, the black background
for my slides doesn't show up until the 2nd page -- white is
used on the first!  Is this a known bug?  Is there a patch?

Secondly, all the fonts are wrong, when viewed with GhostScript.
It's apparently substituting other fonts for all the ones I
want, not being able to find them (doesn't it now about %tfdir
in the .mgprc file?).

I found a message in the MGP archives from Takashi Katoh that
details some patches one can make to mgp2sp, which I understand
how to do, but I don't know how to compose the correct contents
for them.

Specifically, he shows a bunch of lines like:

	{ CTL_TFONT, ASCII, "schlbk.ttf",
	"NewCenturySchlbk-Roman" },

which presumably means something like "when asked to render
NewCenturySchlbk-Roman, use the file schlbk.ttf.  But why
would that be necessary?  *.mgp files, by way of the %tfdir
directive, never make requests like that, since they specify
the location and name of the font-file needed.

Or perhaps mgp2ps is already doing the right stuff, and it's
just GhostScript that I need to educate about my font locations?

Anyway, what I think I need to know is: 1) how to find out what
font substitutions are taking place, wherever they're taking
place, and 2) how to reprogram them to get the fonts I want.

Can somebody please help?

P.S. Today, I'm enhancing mg2mgp so that styles like <C_MSG>,
<MEDIUMSEAGREEN>, and <#43534> (or whatever the true RGB code
is) can all be aliases for each other. That will make *.mg
files easier to read, at the expense of beign harder to type.
Can anybody point me to a text-file that contains all the X11
color names and codes?  I've found several web-sites that show
them, but they're all graphical images (so the colors can be
shown next to them), so I can't cut and paste into my program.
| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
| CEO, JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")   |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
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