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[mgp-users 01179] Re: MGP Preprocessor Details; release soon!

On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 02:59:24PM +0200, stonedhenge@web.de wrote:
>  I am quite satisfied with mgp because I don't need 
>  complicated stuff. If I'd like totally animated and moving presentations I 
>  would use powerpoint or else. I use mgp for talks at university. The more 
>  simple the presentation, the clearer your have to choose your subjetcts.
>  As I am a physicist I sometimes have to talk about compicated stuff, but that 
>  does not meen, that a simple presentation wouldn't do. 

I used magicpoint for a couple of presentations now. One of them was
quite technical with a lot of formulas in it - I wished mgp would have
better support for LaTeX-formulas or something adequate. Another one had
quite a lot of pictures in it and I (perhaps mistakenly) used %pause,
%mark and %again a lot. I had to constantly run the presentation to
check whether stuff was displayed correctly. Simplifying %mark, %again
wouldn't hurt either I'd say. Oh, and I cursed loudly that mgp can't
display sub/super-script natively - I wanted to write out some chemical
formulas like CH_3CH_2OH. I found a patch on the net, but that messed
around with the position of images, too, so I did not include any
chemical formulas (which got critized by the audience). Apart from that,
I'm very happy about mgp.
