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[mgp-users 01175] MGP Preprocessor Details; release soon!

MGP users,

As some of you know, I've been writing an MGP
"preprocessor" to make Magicpoint presentations easier
to compose, and to provide many additional features that
I wanted.

The code for the program is still changing hourly,
but I've attached the first draft of the documentation,
to let you see what shortcomings I found in MGP, and how
I've compensated for them with my program.

By the way, I've given several talks recently, prepared
using my program, and many of the audience members
(mostly Perl and Linux experts) ask me afterwards what
presentation software I'm using, and when I tell them,
they can't believe it's Magicpoint, because they've never
seen it look so good!  I guess that means my improvements
are noticeable 8-}

So I think you'll like this program, and I look forward to
hearing your thoughts on the feature set and config file
format (the current one is included in the documentation),
while things are still in flux.

When I do release the mg2mgp script, it will run directly,
without any need for other Perl modules (but it will
need Perl, of course).  I wrote it to be self contained,
because I suspect that many MGP users aren't high-tech
folks, and wouldn't know how to download modules.  Am I
right about that, or not?  (see 3-second survey below).

Anyway, it's more fun to write everything from scratch
sometimes ! 8-}

I'm interested in who's using Magicpoint, and what kinds
of backgrounds they have.  So if you'll indulge me for
a moment, please answer these questions, in a reply to
the list, so we can all learn more about each other;
I've checked off my own responses already.

Computer Experience:
	Just a User   (no programming experience to speak of)
	Beginner Programmer
	Intermediate Programmer
x	Advanced Programmer

Operating System(s) you Run Magicpoint On (more than one choice okay)
	Don't Know
x	UNIX or Linx (includes Solaris, Red Hat, etc.)
	MSFT Windows
	Other (specify)


| Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
| CEO, JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award Recipient")   |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
|  Watch for my Book: "Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers"   |
    mg2mgp - Preprocessor for "Magicpoint" presentation viewer


    The latest documentation on this module, which is changing constantly,
    is always available at <http://teachmeperl.com/mg2mgp.html>.

    First convert the *.mg file to *.mgp using:

     mg2mgp presentation.mg > presentation.mgp

    Then run Magicpoint on the *.mgp file as usual:

     mgp presentation.mgp

    Magicpoint <http://www.mew.org/mgp> is great, and free, and open source,
    all of which are wonderful properties. But for people who do lots of
    text markup, it's cumbersome to use. This program alleviates that

  Shameless Plug
    The mg2mgp program is entirely self-contained, for the benefit of those
    running Magicpoint who have or can get Perl but don't want to learn now
    to download lots of CPAN modules (*we don't need no stinking modules!*).

    It consists entirely of Perl, which is a great language, and I recommend
    you learn it ASAP, by taking a class from me as thousands of other happy
    and nice-smelling people have done (see <http://teachmeperl.com>).

    The mg2mgp program lets you create a Magicpoint presentation much more
    easily, and with the option of using many powerful new features.

    For instance, consider a page whose basic design is described in the
    first section below. It's then expressed in mg2mgp markup notation using
    the special tags shown in the second section (which can be freely
    intermixed with normal Magicpoint codes), and then mg2mgp does its
    transformations to produce what Magicpoint needs to see, shown in the
    third section.

    The *.mg file to describe the page only requires 291 characters, but the
    *.mgp file for Magicpoint's use takes 708! *Somebody* has to do 143%
    more work; *why should it be you?*

    You should view the image of this page, to get the full appreciation for
    how many stylistic changes are involved, and how nice it looks. It's
    availabe at <http://teachmeperl.com/Page1.jpg>.

  1. Basic Design for Page
     Perl as a Better grep, sed, & awk
     Tim Maher

    Complication: I want lots of color and font changes on this page!

  2. Page Composed in *.mg file
    Here's the mg2mgp file that creates the above page, complete (and
    replete) with color and font changes.

    NOTE: As detailed in "Sample .mg2mgprc file", style codes starting with
    C_, F_, and S_ are respectively for color, font, and size changes.

     %include "/Speeches/timji.mgprc"
     <F_XB><S_9.5><A_C><C_LGR>Perl as a Better
     <C_DB>grep<C_W>, <C_MSG>sed<C_W>, <C_GR>& <C_TO><F_XB>awk
     %newimage "cont1b.jpg"
     <F_XB><C_ROD>Tim Maher
     <F_I><C_LGR tim@TeachMePerl.com>

  3. Output from mg2mgp that Creates Page
    You may have thought the *.mg file looked complicated, but here's what
    you would have had to type on your own (excluding comments) to get the
    same result directly with Magicpoint.

     %include "/Speeches/timji.mgprc"
     # Starting New Page
     ## (BR-GAP 
     ## BR-GAP)
     %fore "white"
     (C) 2003, Tim Maher           0-1           www.TeachMePerl.com
     ## (BR-GAP 
     ## BR-GAP)
     %font "expb"
     %size 9.5
     %fore "lightgray"
     Perl as a Better
     %fore "dodgerblue"
     %fore "white"
     %fore "mediumseagreen"
     %fore "white"
     %fore "gray"
     %fore "tomato"
     %font "expb"
     %newimage "cont1b.jpg"
     %font "expb"
     %fore "goldenrod"
     Tim Maher
     %font "italic"
     %fore "lightgray"
     %fore "white", cont

    mg2mgp takes a file-name like presentation.mg as an argument, and writes
    output for a presentation.mgp file, for viewing with Magicpoint (see

    The purpose of this project is to make it *MUCH* easier for the user to
    prepare magicpoint presentations. One major function of this program is
    to provide a configurable preprocessor, that allows user-defined styles
    to be easily applied to text. This is accomplished by placing style
    definitions in the .mg2mgprc configuration file.

    Other features make it easier to acquire and prepare text obtained from
    operating system commands, and control how it's displayed.

    For example, recursive file inclusion is provided by the "include%"
    directive, line exclusion is provided by "skip%/""unskip%," special
    formatting of computer programs is provided by the "code%" directive,
    and execution of arbitrary commands and collection of their output is
    provided by "command%."

    In addition, "tpage%" provides support for sections started by "title
    pages", and "npage%" for pages within those sections, with (adjustable)
    default styles in effect and automatic two-part page numbering in the

    To make it easier to proofread demonstrations, %pause directives can be
    filtered out using the command mgp_nopause, so each page can be viewed
    in one glance.

    The program contains many subroutines. Those that start with the prefix
    "mgp_" are Magicpoint-specific. The others (include, skip, code_command,
    etc.) are of general text-processing applicability (and I'm using them
    in other projects, such as my POD pre-processor).

    Ultimately, this body of software will be distributed on the CPAN
    (www.cpan.org), probably under the name Magicpoint::Preprocessor. This
    is a preliminary version that is implemented as a single Perl script,
    that can be invoked under the following names (if it's multiply linked
    on installation):

    skip, include, po2pod, process_command, process_code, mgp_force_gaps,
    add_newlines, mgp_nopause, mg2mgp

    Most importantly, the mg2mgp invocation implements the following
    cascading filter, so you don't have to go to all the trouble of
    indenting those lines correctly yourself: 8-}

                            <OUTPUT HERE>

  Style Definitions
    One major function of this program is to provide a configurable
    preprocessor, that allows user-defined styles to be easily applied. This
    is accomplished by placing style definitions in the .mg2mgprc
    configuration file.

    For example, the following is a style definition of the color-changing
    (C_) variety, for switching to gold text:

     %fore "gold"

    A style definition of the alignment (A_C) variety, for line centering,
    follows below. It is different, because in addition to specifying how to
    apply the style (on the first line after the style name), it also shows
    what style to change to afterwards (on the second following line).


    This facility is needed because there's no easy way to really *undo* a
    style change, because only Magicpoint is fully aware of the current
    settings -- and it's not telling!)

  Style Tags
    A style tag consists of angled-brackets, enclosing a predefined style
    name, and optionally the text to be rendered in that style.

    For example,

        in the mgp view, all words will be <C_G>golden from here on

    To request the automatic application of the "undo" style, you can embed
    the text to be rendered *within* the style directive, so long as you
    have provided the *undo* line in the definition.

    (NOTE: This style usage is not quite mature; in particular, there's a
    problem with extraneous blank lines appearing when two or more appear in
    a row; I'll fix this later.)

    For example, given the style definition for centering shown above,
    you'll get the results shown below.

    <A_C These words are centeredE> and these will be on a separate line,
    left-filled. And all following lines will be left-filled, until some
    other directive changes that situation

                        These words are centered
     and these will be on a separate line, left-filled. And all
     following lines will be left-filled, until some subsequent
     directive changes that situation

  User-Defined Variables
    See the configuration file documentation for complete information on
    defining your own variables, for use in style definitions.

    The mg2mgp program implements several *directives*, that enhance or
    extend those provided already by Magicpoint.

    Unlike style definitions, directives don't have *undo* information,
    because their job is not to change, and then (optionally) change again
    (for "undoing"), display parameters. Instead, they filter, collect,
    generate, or reformat text, which may involve harvesting data and
    applying formatting codes.

    The mg2mgp directives are all of the same form: a word terminated by a
    %. Yes, that's exactly backwards from the %word format used by
    Magicpoint itself, so that if mg2mgp is unavailable, the presentation
    can still be prepared using Magicpoint. In contrast, if this program
    used additional directives of the %word form, each would trigger a fatal
    error if Magicpoint were run directly on the *.mg file.

  "hvgap%" & "qvgap%"
                    Here's a line
                    I want this line pretty close to the previous one
                    # I want this image even closer to the line above
                    %newimage "pic.jgp"

    Magicpoint doesn't provide any easy way to get a vertical gap that's
    smaller than usual, and then return to the previous setting. And this
    program can't really do that properly either, because only Magicpoint
    itself knows what the current vgap size is. Nonetheless, these
    directives have proven useful for producing vertical gaps of one-half
    and one-quarter the size of the $DEFAULT_VGAP setting in the
    configuration file.

    Incidentally, the predefined vertical-gap styles, <V_30> through <V_95>,
    also return the vgap setting to $DEFAULT_GAP, but those styles are meant
    for controlling the vertical spacing within collections of text lines,
    whereas these directives merely insert a blank space.

        include% "filename"

    File inclusion is provided by the "include%" directive. The contents of
    the indicated file are read, and then recursively, its contents are
    scanned for "include%" directives which are read, and so forth. The
    resulting text is inserted into the *.mgp file in place of the

    This is valuable for two reasons:

    1.  It allows file inclusions at arbitrary positions, unlike
        Magicpoint's %include, which is only allowed in the preamble, and

    2.  it enhances the behavior of %filter, which needs to find literal
        text in the document to provide as command input, by allowing the
        data to be obtained from a file:

                %filter "/bin/sort"
                %include "input_lines.txt"

        If the data don't reside in a file, but are available as command
        output, then "command%" can provide a similar service,

                %filter "/bin/sort"
                command% "/bin/who"

        which compensates for the fact that %filter doesn't allow
        conventional shell command sequences, such as:

                %filter "/bin/who | /bin/sort"
                %filter "/bin/sort < /etc/passwd"

  "skip%" & "unskip%"
     This line is in the presentation
     This ones is NOT in today's presentation; maybe tomorrow!
     This line is in the presentation
     The rest of the file is excluded, unless an C<unskip%> appears

    "Line exclusion" is provided by "skip%/""unskip%," which allows a *.mg
    document to retain lines that do not become part of the current
    presentation. This allows multiple versions of the presentation to be
    retained in a single file, by restricting the pages that will be shown
    in a particular talk.

            code% tail +1 perlgrep.plx

    One problem with Magicpoint's %filter directive is that it doesn't
    support the concept of formatting variations within the command's
    output. Unless you edit the *.mgp file directly, there is no way to
    apply any markup variations to the obtained data.

    The syntax requirement is simply that at least one non-whitespace
    character appears after the "code%" directive. All the rest will be
    submitted verbatim to your OS's command interpreter, so you must also
    supply any quotes that might be needed. (There are also security
    concerns, which are covered in the next subheading.

    As a first step in providing something more useful for the display of
    computer programs, "code%" applies a fixed-width font and specified
    color to the acquired program text, and renders #-prefixed comments in a
    separately specified font and color (according to the variable settings
    in the configuration file).

   Security Alert!
    Because this directive executes arbitrary commands submitted by the
    user, the usual precautions are applicable if the program is running
    with an ID other than that of the user executing it. (Later versions
    might use Perl's "taint mode", to do some sanity checking on the
    command. Until then, excercise caution with this directive!)

            command% nl -ba perlgrep.plx

    The syntax requirement is simply that at least one non-whitespace
    character appears after the "command%" directive. All the rest will be
    submitted verbatim to your OS's command interpreter, so you must also
    supply any quotes that might be needed. (There are also security
    concerns, which are covered in the next subheading.)

    This directive is a variation on "code%," that simply imports the
    command output into the presentation (without applying any formatting).
    Unlike Magicpoint's %filter directive, pipelines and other complex
    commands can be used (as they can also with "code%)." For example:

            command% man mg2mgp | head -20 | col -bx 

   Security Alert!
    Because this directive executes arbitrary commands submitted by the
    user, the usual precautions are applicable if the program is running
    with an ID other than that of the user executing it. (Later versions
    might use Perl's "taint mode", to do some sanity checking on the
    command. Until then, excercise caution with this directive!)


    The "tpage%" directive provides support for sections started by "title
    pages", whose headings have individually specified default text formats
    (TBD). It can be used anywhere the standard %page directive would be


    The "npage%" directive makes pages that are endowed with a header line
    containing the Author's name, the Copyright year (defaulting to the
    current year), and a web-site URL, along with page-numbering in the
    two-part section-page format.

    The headings are governed by style specifications provided through
    variable settings in the .mg2mgprc file (still under development).

    The "npage%" directive can be used anywhere the standard %page directive
    would be allowed. Note that "npage%" is designed for use with "tpage%."
    If you use it without requesting a Title Page first, the section number
    will show as zero. It's okay to intermix %page directives with these,
    but generally undesirable. These directives do much more for you, and
    you probably won't feel the need to use %page ever again.

                    (table specificatons)

    Under construction.

     mg2mgp presentation.mg | mgp_nopause > presentation.mgp


     export MGP_NOPAUSE='on';  mg2mgp presentation.mg > presentation.mgp

    To make it easier to proofread demonstrations, %pause directives can be
    filtered out of your *.mg file using the command mgp_nopause. This
    allows each page to be viewed in its entirety in one glance, which
    speeds up proofreading considerably.

    As an alternative to using mgp_nopause (which is just another name for
    the mg2mgp program), you can set the environment variable MGP_NOPAUSE to
    "enable", and run mg2mgp instead.

    Besides converting *.mg files to *.mgp files, this program can be used
    to convert *.po files (not quite in POD format) to *.pod files, if
    invoked under this alternate name.

    The .mg2mgprc file can be used to define styles (STYLES) and variables
    (VARS) that make it vastly easier to prepare Magicpoint presentations.
    This program is distributed with a sample file, which you're free to
    edit to your own tastes.

    The configuration file is looked for under the following directory/name

    1. .mg2mgprc in the current directory,
    2. .mg2mgprc in the HOME directory,
    3. in a fully specified pathname (ending in any arbitrary filename)
    provided in the (optional) $MG2MGPRC environment variable,
    4. in /etc/mg2mgprc,
    5. in mg2mgp.rc in the current directory

  Sample .mg2mgprc file
     # mg2mgprc: sample configuration file for mg2mgprc, v 0.01
     # Tim Maher, tim@teachmeperl.com
     # Sat Jun  7 08:18:08 PDT 2003
     # Watch http://teachmeperl.com/mg2mgprc.html for further details on 
     # usage, and for the latest version of the program
     # TODO: Allow include% directive to patch lines into this file->DONE!
     # TODO: Provide support for style "aliases" so RED means C_R, or
     #  whatever
     # There are two sections to this file; VARS and STYLES.
     # The format for setting variables in the former is name=value No
     # quotes encasing the value are required or allowed, and no
     # terminating ";" is needed
     # fore_color and back_color are special variables that should be
     # set to the foreground/background color for the presentation.
     # code_color, and comment_color are respectively the colors you
     # want for code samples (imported via the code% directive) and
     # the comments within them; if these variables are unset,
     # reasonable default settings are used.
     # author, year, and url show up on non-title pages along with the
     # page number author should be set to the presentation's author,
     # and url to his/hers web site, and year to the copyright year;
     # it defaulst to the current year
     # You can set any other variables you want, and include them in
     # the style definitions that follow (although that feature is
     # not heavily tested yet)
     # If you want to disable sections of this file, you can put skip%
     # before the first line to be ignored, and unskip% after the last
     # to be ignored (or just omit that and ignore to the end of the
     # file). 
     # VARS names are case sensitive, so <z> and <Z> refer to
     # different variables. All special variables needed by the
     # program are ALL CAPS. Please use mixed-case or lower case for
     # your own variables
     # The characters permitted in variable names are letters,
     # digits, and _.
     # The following settings are used in the header-line of the npgage% directive
     AUTHOR=Tim Maher
     # The fore/back colors must match the ones used in the
     # MGP-included config file
     # These are only used by code% directive, and have defaults if
     # not specified
     # CODE_COLOR=yellow            <- this one not implemented yet
     # DEFAULT_VGAP is used to undo styles that change the vertical
     # gap, such as <V_35 This>, and as the numeric base for halving
     # and quartering for the halfgap% and quartergap% directives
     # DEFAULT_SIZE is used to undo styles that change the point size, such as
     # <S_3.5  This>.
     # By default, the styles you create will have case-insensitive
     # names, If you are willing to be more precise in your typing,
     # set the variable CASE_SENSITIVE_STYLES to yes in the line below.
     # STYLES
     # This section defines the styles, such as Z, you're allowed to
     # use in the following two formats: <Z> and <Z more stuff> and
     # <Z more
     # stuff spanning lines>
     # The first line defines the style name; the second the "on"
     # value to turn it on, and the third, if present, the "off" value
     # to turn it off. There must be a blank line before each
     # style-definition line. The "off" value is only used with the
     # "more stuff" syntax shown above, so if you're going to use that
     # include an off-line, to avoid a fatal error.
     # There's no need to insert a blank line to occupy the off-line's
     # position if you don't want to make a setting, because the blank
     # line before the next style-name will serve to indicate its
     # absence.
     # Style names are case sensitive, so <z> and <Z> refer
     # to different styles.  Any visible character can be used in
     # a style name
     # To help me keep things straight, I like to have special name
     # formats for different classes of styles, as shown below.
     #                      Sample Style Names
     # Type  Prefix  Sample  Definition      Changes Effected
     # Font     F_    F_T     %font "thick"   font set to thick
     # Size     S_    S_6.5   %size 6.5       text size to 6.5 points
     # Vgap     V_    V_65    %vgap 65        vertical gap to 65
     # Color    C_    C_BL    %fore "blue"    foreground color to BLUE
     # Bullet   B_    B_2     (from config)   set to bullet-level 2 style
     # Headings H_    H_C     (long)          special heading inserted
     # Align    A_    A_C     %center         centering enabled
     # I'm not sure how to classify the following style yet!
     # Other (none)  CHEAD   (long)           centered heading inserted
     # STYLES can be defined in terms of user-defined VARS, with a $
     # preceding the variable name, as shown for the sample style "C_A"
     # below. This preliminary code release uses a very simple parser
     # to process these variable requests, so only simple variables
     # ($accent_color) are known to work so far; don't try other
     # Perlish things like $accent_colors[3,4], etc.
     # For example, the following definition is for changing the font to
     # the "accent color" (both variables must be set in the VARS
     # section of the mg2mgpr file):
     # C_A
     # %fore "$accent_color"
     # %fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     # To insert a blank line in the style definition, use \n. Because
     # blank lines that seem to be extraneous are removed by mg2mgp,
     # it's possible in some cases that the blank line signified by \n
     # won't actually show up in the presentation. In such cases, use
     # \nBR%\n instead, which will definitely work
     # The Importance of "Undo-ing"
     # Note that some of the sample styles shown above exist
     # independently as MGP directives, and some of them aren't much
     # harder to type. For example,
     #      <C_BL>this
     # is equivalent to
     #      %fore "blue"
     #      this
     # However, there's a distinct advantage to the style approach,
     # because
     #      <C_BL this>
     # can render "this" as blue and then *reset the color* to a
     # reasonable default, which generates the following code,
     # %fore "blue"
     # this
     # %fore "white"        <- assuming FORE_COLOR set to "white" in .mg2mgprc
     # -- assuming the following style definition :
     # %fore "blue"
     # this
     # %fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     # MGP could conceivably let the user request a reversion to the
     # previous color (a I<real> "undo", which would be ideal), but
     # that feature is not currently provided.
     # The following keyword introduces the style definitions
     # COMMENTS ARE ALLOWED HERE, but must have blank lines before and after
     # Alignment styles
     # Miscellaneous styles
     # A shell-prompt style
     %leftfill, size 6, fore "lightsteelblue", font "tty"\n$\n%cont
     \n%vgap 20, bar "gray" 10 15 70, cont\n
     # Font-changing styles
     %font "bold"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     # Courier font
     %font "c"
     %font "bolditalic"
     %font "cb"
     %font "cbi"
     %font "ci"
     %font "default"
     %font "tty"
     %font "wide"
     %font "wideb"
     %font "exp"
     %font "expb"
     %font "italic"
     %font "bolditalic"
     %font "title", size 6, center, fore "sandybrown"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     %font "bull1", size 6.5, center, fore "dodgerblue"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     %font "title", size 5.5, center, fore "sandybrown"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     %leftfill, size 5.5, fore "$FORE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 5.0, fore "$FORE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 5.0, fore "$FORE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 4.5, fore "$FORE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 4.0, fore "$FORE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 5.5, fore "$CODE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 5.0, fore "$CODE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %leftfill, size 4.5, fore "$CODE_COLOR", font "courierb"
     %fore "black"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "blue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "cadetblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "chocolate"
     %fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "cyan"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "dodgerblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "darkgray"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "darkred"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#FF00FF"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "gold"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "gray"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "green"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "hotpink"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightgreen"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightgray"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#00FF00"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "linen"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightskyblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightslategray"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "lightsteelblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "magenta"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "maroon"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "mediumblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "mediumgreen"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "mediumseagreen"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "navy"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#808000"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "orchid"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "orangered"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "papayawhip"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#B0E0E6"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "palegreen"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "pink"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "purple"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "red"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "rosybrown"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "goldenrod"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "sandybrown"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "slateblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "slategray"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#C0C0C0"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "snow"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "steelblue"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "#008080"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "tomato"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "white"
     %fore "whitesmoke"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     %fore "yellow"
     \n%fore "$FORE_COLOR", cont\n
     # Styles for specific headings
     # Input, Output headings
     %font "title", size 6, leftfill, fore "sandybrown"\nInput\n%leftfill, font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     %font "title", size 6, leftfill, fore "sandybrown"\nOutput\n%leftfill, font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     %font "title", size 6, leftfill, fore "sandybrown"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     %font "bull1", size 6.5, leftfill, fore "dodgerblue"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     %font "title", size 5.5, leftfill, fore "sandybrown"
     %font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR", leftfill
     # Styles for rendering command output
     %leftfill, size 5.5, fore "lightgray", font "tty"
     %leftfill, size 5.0, fore "lightgray", font "tty"
     %leftfill, size 4.0, fore "lightgray", font "tty"
     # Style for heading of Problem
     %font "title", size 6, center, fore "sandybrown"\nProblem\n%leftfill, font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR"
     # Title styles
     %font "title", size 7\n
     %font "title2", size 5\n
     %font "bull1", size 6.0, fore "powderblue"
     # Font styles
     %font "tty"
     %font "wide"
     %font "wideb"
     %font "exp"
     %font "expb"
     # Other experimental "Example" heading styles
     %center, fore "sandybrown"
     %center, fore "sandybrown"
     # Special heading for Examples
     %font "title", size 6, center, fore "sandybrown"\nExamples\n%leftfill, font "default", fore "$FORE_COLOR"
    I am using this program heavily in my own work, so it is improving by
    leaps and bounds on a daily basis. Please let me know how you like it,
    and if you find any bugs.

    Tim Maher, tim(AT)teachmeperl.com, yumpy(AT)cpan.org

    Copyright (C) 2003, Timothy F. Maher. All rights reserved.

    This software is provided under the "3-clause BSD-style license", as is
    Magicpoint itself, as documented at

    Direct questions regarding fair-use to yumpy(AT)cpan.org.

    Consultix, a division of Pacific Software Gurus, Inc.

PROGRAM's WEB-SITE (coming soon)