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[mgp-users 01143] Re: %xsystem leaves a window

On Sat, 2003-05-24 at 22:34, Sam Steingold wrote:
> %xsystem "xclock" leaves an empty open window which cannot be killed
> (only destroyed or deleted together with the window manager)
> I am using RH9 with mgp 1.09a (20010927)

The solution is to run mgp without a window manager in it's own
x-session. This works for me in RH9 (using embedded x-apps (like
mpeg_play and friends ;-)). This is a neat trick since you can keep on
working in your "regular" x-session (switch between sessions with
Ctrl-Alt-F7/Ctrl-Alt-F8). You can even update pages in your presentation
while mgp is running (but not add new pages).

I got this tip on this list a year ago or something (I don't remember by
who) and it works well...

Attached you'll find the small script used to start the new x-server and

Grunde Løvoll
ICQ:    103294772
Jabber: finrod@jabber.org
 f u cn rd ths u r prbly a gk

# xmgp :: start mgp on its own display
X -ac $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null &
sleep 1     # give X a head-start
mgp $*
killall X           # terminate X when mgp exits