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[mgp-users 01120] Re: mgp and ghostscript-fonts in Debian Woody

From: Tobias.Hilbricht@t-online.de (Tobias Hilbricht)
Subject: [mgp-users 01118] mgp and ghostscript-fonts in Debian Woody
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 11:29:38 +0100
Message-ID: <>

> -- I have installed some TrueType-fonts by means of the appropriate 
> defoma-tools, and they work as expected. However, despite being able to 
> render the ghostscript fonts (times = Nimbus*, courier = NimbusMono*, 
> helvetica = NimbusSans*, palatino etc.) with X11 and with the printer, I can 
> not use them with MagicPoint. Therefore I would like to know what I have to 
> do to acquaint MagicPoint with the ghostscript-fonts.

mgp-1.09 or former versions do not support type1 or CID fonts. 
If you want to use these fonts, please try the current mgp code from anon CVS.
If you have xft2 + fontconfig environment, I think it will work. 

> -- Other Linux-installations (different distributions) do not use defoma, and 
> fonts tend to be at various places. How can I get the same fonts on different 
> Linux-Installations, which might be configured in a different way than my 
> system - can I embed fonts, or do I have to put everything in one folder and 
> use relative paths?

Hmm.. How about installing the same fonts on the same directory and setting 
your .mgprc file to refer these fonts?
Yoshifumi Nishida