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[mgp-users 01095] Re: %prevgap?

> An (ugly) workaround is to change the fontsize, insert an empty line,
> and re-instate the original font size. Far from ideal, though:

Right.  But the goal here is to not have any formatting specific 
anything in the vast majority of slides.  I'd like to do all my 
formatting up at the top (or even in a different file) and just have 
raw text everywhere else.

(In fact, It would be nice to make extra lines irrelevant for the 
common case.  A tab 0 rule?  Or just the last line rule, since most 
things will have at least one tab in front?)

The other feature that would help me do this is an ability to have 
multiple defaults

%defpage foo 0 [list of settings]

%usepage foo

> It would be great, if we find a better solution, though.

I think these are both feature requests...  Should I try and learn 
enough about the internals of the package to create a patch?
