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[mgp-users 01090] Re: Yet another embedded LaTeX preprocessor

Dear Etienne,

there was a thread on this in April this year (check mailing list
archive for more details). Here is a mail that addresses your problem.



CD>Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:13:41 +0200
CD>From: Christoph Dalitz <christoph.dalitz@hs-niederrhein.de>
CD>To: MagicPoint Mailing List <mgp-users@mew.org>
CD>Subject: [mgp-users 00836] Re: One Latex Character in a line with normal  text - resolved
CD>On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 13:59:41 -0500
CD>Clem Pryke <pryke@focus.uchicago.edu> wrote:
CD>> >
CD>> > Please put
CD>> >
CD>> > %valign "center"
CD>> >   or
CD>> > %valign "top"
CD>> >
CD>> > above those lines.
CD>> I don't find that "center" "top" or "bottom" produces a nice result. Is there
CD>> a way to get finer control?
CD>Not a solution, but a possible workaround.
CD>It seems that "dvips -E" creates an EPS bounding box that is far too large.
CD>Unfortunately it is not possible to make it smaller with "ps2epsi" because
CD>the PS output of dvips is somewhat buggy (maybe not DSC comliant?).
CD>Thus there are two possible improvements:
CD> a) manually correct the bounding box value that dvips generates
CD> b) use eqn2eps for inline formula
CD>    documentation on eqn is available from
CD>    http://www.kohala.com/start/troff/troff.html
CD>Currently I am using solution b) for inline formula, which works fine for symbols
CD>like "not equal" or greek letters.
CD>Christoph Dalitz
CD>    [ Note: This message contains email list management information ]

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002, Etienne Grossmann wrote:

>   Hi,
> just to say that I have slightly improved the latex preprocessor
>   http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~etienne/mgplatex
> There is one thing I don't manage to do well, which is put latex text
> on the same line as mgp text. When I do something like :
> ======================================================================
> Hello, here is some math
> %cont
> %image "my-latex-image.eps" 0 20 9
> %cont
> . How do you like it?
> ======================================================================
>   The text in my-latex-image.eps appears very high on the line. I
> tried changing the BoundingBox of the .eps image, but without
> success. If anyone has a suggestion on how to align the .eps image, I
> would be very grateful.
>   Btw, the mgp code above is ~ what could be produced by the command :
> ======================================================================
> Hello, here is some math
> %latexline 20 9
> \frac{1}{pi} - e^{-x^2/2}
> %endlatexline
> . How do you like it?
> ======================================================================
>   Note : the syntax is now %beginlatex <WIDTH> <HEIGHT>
>   Cheers,
>   Etienne

Hans Fangohr

Computational Engineering & Design Research Group
School of Engineering Sciences
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

Location: Building 25, Room 1033
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email : fangohr@soton.ac.uk