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[mgp-users 00921] Re: Problems embedding apps in presentations

It works! now there is no need to fall back the dark side (Windows and

Still I wonder why this don't work with my windowmanager? And the solution
to run mgp without a wm is not that convinent. Is there any plans to fix
this problem?


On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Hans Fangohr wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Grunde L|voll wrote:
> > Thanks,
> > but then the stupid question how do I start X widthout a window-manager?
> Okay: you start without X (runlevel 3 in SuSE and Redhat).
> You start X with this command
> startx ~/.xinitrc_no_wm
> In your home directory you put the file .xinitrc_no_wm, which can look
> like the file below:
>  (I don't understand every line in this file, and most lines might not be
> necessary, but it works for me. Try it - I am very short of time at the
> moment, maybe you can do without more explanaition. If not, come back to
> me/ or the mailing list.
> Good luck,
> Hans
> )
> ------------------------------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # .xinitrc
> #
> #
> # What we do if we fail at least ... emergency fall back.
> #
> failsafe="xterm -ls -T Failsave -geometry 80x24-0-0"
> #
> # Some bash (1 and 2) settings to avoid trouble on a
> # failed program call.
> #
> test -n "$BASH" && set +o posix
> no_exit_on_failed_exec=1
> type shopt > /dev/null 2>&1 && shopt -s execfail
> #
> # This should be the default
> #
> export TERM=xterm
> # here you cd into the directory with your talk
> cd /home/fangohr/work/talks/2001_Oslo
> # and here you call it
> mgp computer_simulations_of_vortex_state.mgp -F 1 -t 45 &
> xterm -ls -T Failsave -geometry 80x24-0-0
> # call failsafe
> exit 0