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[mgp-users 00901] Re: [mgp-users 00900] ????????

 Hi everyone !,

 I thought I've suscribed to the English speaking list of mgp,
 would someone please tell me if my assumption is correct ?.
 If it is correct, would people please post in English so that
 I can understand the postings and learn something from them ?.

On Fri, 24 May 2002, huiovo0421 wrote:

> ????????????????
>     ????! 
>     ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ?????????????????????????????????? Imail 7.04????????????????????????
> ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,??????
> ????????????????????????????????????????????
>         200M HTML???? + 1??????????  =  150??/??
>         200M????(????ASP)+200M????????+30M Access??????+1????????????
>                             ????338??/??
>     ????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
>       ???????????? http://www.huidns.com  ????!
> ??????????????
> ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>                                  ??????????????????????????????
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ????????????,??????????????????(http://www.21cmm.com)
> ??CMM????(http://www.21cmm.com)????????????????