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[mgp-users 00859] Re: Problems with latest CVS


Thanks for the reply.  Since my post, I've done some more checking;
the problem is that gs-7.04 miscalculates the bounding box.  It
basically is the entire vertical length of the paper.  The width is
wrong too, but not that far off:  the left edge is over too far.  The
fact that it is too long makes only one of the equations visible on
the screen.

I've posted a bug report for gs and if it isn't resolved soon, will
downgrade tothe last version 6 gs.  (I had 6.5 before and it worked).


Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino writes:
 > >3.  I also try and display equations, esentially, using %filter to pass groff 
 > >code to groff and to gs as:
 > >
 > >groff -e $tmp.eqn | gs -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=$tmp.eps -q -dNOPAUSE -
 > >
 > >The output is wrong (this may be a gs problem); it's not centered and
 > >fills the entire page.  I'm using gs-7.04.
 > 	what is the BoundingBox for the generated eps?  does it fit the area
 > 	of equation, or is it a whole A4 paper?
 > itojun