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[mgp-users 00854] Slackware package and some more

I almost always make slackware packages out of the programs I compile for
personal ease of use later.  Having read the previous message about
Nicolas wanting to offer a Debian package, I too would like to offer the
slackware packages I have created.  I do not believe there are any out
there.  It's not included with the slack distro, and I did not see it on

I have read the copyright, and pretty much followed the requirements
there-in.  So if nobody minds, I will make them publically available from
my sites and submit them to linuxpackages.

I have a package for slackware 8.0, slackware 8.0 running libpng 2,
slackware 7.0 (I'm running the slackware 8.0 libpng 2 which required me to
install libpng 2 but maybe the slackware 8.0 regular will work without any
modification), and files for a floppy so that magicpoint can be used with
the slackware 8.0 live ISO.

I plan to be using the latter at our next Lug meeting so that our members
can follow a tutorial on using mgp and work along.  This tutorial will be
published to the resource section on or LUG home page.  

Thanks for your consideration.

Daniel S. Washko
Lehigh Valley Linux Users Group
get slack (www.slackware.com ) and get happy