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[mgp-users 00848] Re: What would be neat: Navigation Buttons:

> I think it would be neat if MagicPoint had a such
> thing as Navigation Buttons ... that way if your
> mouse is over one of those buttons when you click
> the mouse, instead of just going to the next page,
> it would go to whatever page that button is linked
> to.

A similar feature exists: press the CTRL key, and then move your mouse
over the (page) numbers that turn up in the left lower corner of your

I think this feature (and the timing-bar when you start mgp with "-t N")
clearly make mgp superior to power point.



> There may already be such a feature. But if it
> exists, and if it's documented in the SYNTAX or
> the USAGE file, then I must have somehow missed
> it.
> Such a feature would be able to help exorcise out
> PowerPoint. Without this feature, MagicPoint will
> be able to replace PowerPoint for some purposes,
> but not others, thereby compromising it's ability
> to exorcise PowerPoint ... and I want to exorcise
> PowerPoint because it's from Micro$oft, from the
> land of Redmond where the shadows lurk.
> So, does it exist in MagicPoint? And if not,
> what's the chance of it coming into existence
> in the near future?
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Adam Ophir Shapira - BOXENV Project: http://boxenv.com/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "A local boy kicked me in the butt last week.
> I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek.
> I really don't care, in fact I wish him well,
> 'Cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell."
>  - - - Wierd Al Yankovic - [Amish Paradise]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hans Fangohr, fangohr@soton.ac.uk

High Performance Computing Group,
Dept. Electronics and Computer Science
Building 59, Level 3, Room 3237,
University of Southampton, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom