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[mgp-users 00805] Re: getting "invalid operator" when using the %charset directive in 1.09a

On Mon, Mär 04, 2002 at 08:32:54 +0100, Michael Felsberg wrote:
> Where do you use %charset ?
> It is not possible to use it in the defaults file. (Why? This would be much 
> more reasonable.) Try it after a %page command.

This seems to be only halfway true. I am having no problems using the
charset command in my default.mgp on this line without error:

 %default 1 leftfill, size 2, fore "Navy", back "white", font "fett", charset "iso8859-1"

Don't ask my why it works, I don't know. Running Debian Woody and a
(patched (for some unrelated stuff)) magicpoint from CVS.

fishfarm netsolutions - Karsten Dambekalns
Echternstr. 73 - 38100 Braunschweig

Tel. +49 531 1232902  mailto:k.dambekalns@fishfarm.de
Fax. +49 531 1232906  http://www.fishfarm.de/