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[mgp-users 00804] Re: getting "invalid operator" when using the %charset directive in 1.09a

Where do you use %charset ?

It is not possible to use it in the defaults file. (Why? This would be much 
more reasonable.) Try it after a %page command.


On Saturday 02 March 2002 22:12, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I had trouble displaying German umlauts with the precompiled RedHat 7.2
> package. So I took the 1.09a sources and configured them with
> ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-locale --enable-gif --disable-vflib
> --enable-freetype-charset16
> the %charset directive is not recognized. Where is the mistake?
> Thanks,
> Daniel Jahre
> .............................................................
> 4. Chemnitzer Linxutag
> http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/linux/tag
> .............................................................