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[mgp-users 00790] line breaks in magicpoint

I noticed with version 1.09a that words would occasionally be split in two at
the end of a line.  I looked into the source and applied the following fix to
draw.c.  Does anyone know why the increment was done twice to linewidth in the
first place, and why there is a comment preceding the second increment?

*** draw.c	Thu Jan 31 11:36:57 2002
--- draw.c.orig	Mon Sep 17 08:48:29 2001
*** 1312,1318 ****
  		state->linewidth += HORIZ_STEP(char_size[caching], char_len);
  		/* ukai */
! 		if (!charset16 && state->linewidth > state->width) {
  			if (len >= 20) break; /* too long word */
  			for (i = 0; i < len; i ++){
  				if (isspace(*(p +i))) break;	
--- 1312,1319 ----
  		state->linewidth += HORIZ_STEP(char_size[caching], char_len);
  		/* ukai */
! 		if (!charset16 && state->linewidth + HORIZ_STEP(char_size[caching], 
! 				char_len) > state->width) {
  			if (len >= 20) break; /* too long word */
  			for (i = 0; i < len; i ++){
  				if (isspace(*(p +i))) break;	

Rob Lake
Lead Research Systems Analyst		lake@cs.ualberta.ca
Department of Computing Science 	http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~lake
University of Alberta			Office: 1 780 492 5817
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada		Fax:    1 780 492 1071