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[mgp-users 00701] Re: math formula for lazy user

On Thu, 2001-09-06 at 16:46, Etienne Grossmann wrote:
>   Hello,
>   I would like to put some math formula in slides without having to hand-compile
> little bits of latex. Is there a way to embed latex formula in .mgp files?

Hi, yes there is. If you compiled mgp then in the kit directory there is
folder named contrib, or something like that, where you can find
tex2eps. Here's a modified version for using LaTeX

#! /bin/sh
# The script is contributed by Sylvain Pion
# <Sylvain.Pion@sophia.inria.fr>.
#  Subject: (mgp-users 00071) Re: remarks against 1.04a
#  adapted to use with latex by D.Maia
# Expected usage:
#	%filter "tex2eps.sh b"
#	My \TeX\ is nicer with $Magic$ Point
#	%endfilter
#	%image "b.eps" 250x200

# temporary filename (without .eps suffix)

echo '\documentclass[12pt]{article}' > $tmp.tex
echo '\usepackage{mathptm}' >> $tmp.tex
echo '\begin{document}' >> $tmp.tex
echo '\pagenumbering{roman}' >> $tmp.tex
echo '\setcounter{page}{-50}' >> $tmp.tex
cat >> $tmp.tex
echo '\end{document}' >> $tmp.tex
latex $tmp.tex > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
dvips -q -E $tmp.dvi -o $tmp.eps
/bin/rm -f $tmp.tex $tmp.log $tmp.dvi

> ps : Any way to search the mail archives of this list (e.g. on compilation problems
>      w/ 1.08a or on why the %back command only works once per page etc)?

there is the online archive:

> http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/mgp-users/
