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[mgp-users 00678] HTML export of MagicPoint

Hi all,

I'm a strong user of MagicPoint and have been doing all my
presentations with it, but there is one thing that is still suboptimal
(apart from its handling German umlauts).

When exporting as HTML, the HTML is not XHTML compliant - so it
requires a lot of work by hand to incorporate it into XHTML
structures. Only a few changes would be required to make the output
XHTML compliant... all the single tags like BR, IMG and such have to
be ended, so

  <BR /> instead of <BR> 
  <HR /> instead of <HR>
  <IMG /> instead of <IMG>
  and so on.

Also the options of the tags should always be in quotes - so a good
image tag would look like

 <IMG SRC="somepic.png" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="600" />

Doing this would not break anything afaik, but it *would* make HTML
export much more useful.


Georg C. F. Greve                                       <greve@gnu.org>
Free Software Foundation Europe	                 (http://fsfeurope.org)
Brave GNU World	                           (http://brave-gnu-world.org)

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