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[mgp-users 00679] Re: HTML export of MagicPoint

On Mon, Aug 27, 2001, Georg C. F. Greve wrote:
> Also the options of the tags should always be in quotes - so a good
> image tag would look like
>  <IMG SRC="somepic.png" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="600" />

 This is a bad image tag after all, for it's lacking the ALT attribute,
which is required IIRC.  ... just to be nitpicking ;)

 So long,
 You never learn anything  |   /"""""\                   ,'~~.
   by doing it right.      |  / chaos \  alfie.ist.org   |o ?~\
           -- unknown      |  \inside!/  alfie@ist.org  /_   ~<\
                           |   \_____/                   \__,~ \>

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