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[mgp-users 00670] Re: line beginning with %

# aurelio marinho jargas wrote:
> hi francesco,

Hi! :)

> it's a text converter, that gets simple marks from a text file
> **like** __this__ and generate formatted documents in tagged
> formats like html, sgml, pagemaker, moinmoin and mgp!



> > A leading blank makes the line become a text line which is
> > interpreted verbatim... But a leading blank is displayed...
> > Maybe you can fix by adjusting the prefix in the preamble...
> do you mean:
> %prefix ""
>  % ls /etc
> that doesn't worked...

No, I mean the prefix in the preamble of mgp file.
In this preamble (or in the default.mgp file) you may put
lines like

%default 1 center, size 2, fore "white", bgrad 0 0 128 180 1, font
%default 2 size 7, vgap 10
%default 3 size 2, bar "gray70" 6 2 96, vgap 10
%default 4 size 1
%default 5 size 6, leftfill, vgap 30, prefix "  ", font "standard"

In the last one it is specified that in the 5th line of each page
(and in following lines, if not otherwise specified) there must
be a prefix of 2 blanks.
You may reduce this prefix to 1 blank and introduce a leading blank
in each text line affected by this default...

I think that this is acceptable, unless you wanted *no* prefix
in your presentation... (note however that a left-aligned line
displayed with no leading blank space has got a poor look...)

 Francesco Poli         e-frx@libero.it   frx@users.sf.net
      e_frx@inwind.it   e-frx@arnone.de.unifi.it