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(mgp-users 00621) Re: displaying logos

Jim Reid <jim@rfc1035.com> wrote:

> When I write MagicPoint presentations, I'd like to be able to put the
> company logo on the same fixed position of every page: say in the
> bottom left or right corners. Can someone suggest an easy way to do
> this? At present I'm manually adding a suitable number of blank lines
> and a %image. However it's clumsy and it only gets the logo situated
> in roughly the right place.

I do this in a roundabout way which works pretty nicely.

When I want to display an image in a fixed position,
I use mgp's system command, as in:

%system "xv -geometry %30x60+65+25 picture.gif"

This spawns a subprocess in which xv is executed, which displays
the picture in the desired position.  When you move to another
page, the subprocess ends and the image is removed.

Xv is the image display program I use.  You can replace it with
any other utility that displays an image on your screen.

To make this work correctly, you need to tell your window manager
that a) the xv window should not have borders or a titlebar, and
b) that the xv window should stay on top (otherwise it may flip
under the mgp window).  My window manager is fvwm.  In my .fvwmrc
I put:

 Style "xv*"     NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, StaysOnTop

Other window managers will have different ways of specifying this.

The same idea works for showing mpeg movies:

%system "xanim -Zr +Zp1 +q -geometry %+23+33 movie.mpg"

where xanim is my mpeg player.  You need to tell your window
manager to keep the xanim window on top:

 Style "XAnim*"          NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, StaysOnTop

Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>