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(mgp-users 00581) Fw: Magic Point mailing list...

I'm forwarding a message from Jim.

--- Begin Message ---
Kazu san,

The mailing list page says its under construction...  This makes it hard
to subscribe!

We've been porting magic point to the iPAQ handheld (H36xx) running Linux: I've
made a few fixes, but don't know where I can submit them, since the mailing
list page is blank.

Do you have any plans to do Xft support?  That would get you anti-aliased
text using the new XRender extension, and provide fallback when you don't
have Render in your server.

			Thank you greatly for a very nice program!
				- Jim Gettys

Jim Gettys
Technology and Corporate Development
Compaq Computer Corporation

--- End Message ---