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(mgp-users 00560) Problems with transparent png's


I wanted to switch to png as main format in order to get color images with
a transparent channel, but I was not able to generate a png file which
worked. I'm stuck to pnmtopng because my favorite drawing program is tgif,
which uses this program for converting from it's native format via xpm to
If I use gimp to load the xpm and define a transparent layer, everything is
fine, but with pnmtopng I could not get a satisfying results. Either the
background is still white (despite the command line parameter 
'-transparent "#ffffff"' :-) or the image is somehow destroyed.

versions tried:

mgp from cvs with and without imlib support 
mgp 1.07a with libpng 2.1.0 (don't now the exact minor)
pnmtopng from the netpbm-8.4 distribution
pnmtopng-2.37.5 linked towerds libpng- and netpbm-9.13

Does anyone know about a way to generate transparent png's from ppm's
without gimp ?

Thank you in advance

Best regards,
Chris Drexler

Dipl.-Inf. Christopher Drexler, Lehrst.f. Mustererkennung _    __  __ ___ 
Institut f. Informatik, Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg  | |  |  \/  | __|
WWW : http://www5.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~drexler  	 | |__| |\/| | _| 
GPG : http://www.keyserver.net                           |____|_|  |_|___|