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(mgp-users 00522) Re: using mng animations

From: Dalmiro Maia <dalmiro@oal.ul.pt>
Subject: (mgp-users 00519) using mng animations
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 00:08:02 +0900
Message-ID: <>

>> The last snapshot available, March 16, says it supports mng animations,
>> in the syntax command I see 
>> % anim "file.mng"
>> yet when I try this I get
>> warning: directive "anim" not supported in this configuration
>> So, my question is, does mgp support or not mng? if it does, how do I
>> enable it?

It seems to me that the configure script can not find libmng in your system.
The script checks only /usr/local and /usr/pkg.
Please check where you have installed libmng.
Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.