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(mgp-users 00520) mgp2ps

I have tried to use mgp2ps (las snapshot with the enconding option).
The enconding and color options give good results, there are only three
minor things:
1) the ttf font is replaced by Helvetica. I have easily solved this by using
ttf2pfa/pt1 (available on sourceforge) by pasting the font at the beggining
and redifining its name to Helvetica. Is there a more elegant way of doing this?

2) jpeg inclusion. The conversion produces huge files. There is a small program
by the name jpeg2ps which produces ps files about the size of the original jpeg.
probably it would be useful to include  this program with the package. It is
also possible to have ghostscript post-processing of the files to get rather
small files for other input formats (by using level2 output). A pslevel2 flag
would most likely by a good thing (my output was about 60 megabytes, after
replacing all the jpeg/png images by postscript level 2 stuff it reduced to
about 5 megabytes.

3) background images. at present they are not included. This is something easily
done by hand (and can be included in some sort of script), altough I would
advise people to keep good looking/high resolution  images for the postscript

I wouldn't mind collaborating with someone on this.