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(mgp-users 00479) Re: Problems using "system"

I have found that the easiest way to include %system applications is to
launch a display with no windowmanager, by doing
xinit -- :1
(or :2, depending on which displays are free).

That gives you a small window on the corner from which you can launch mgp,
and then everything works fine. 

Things tend to work ok with fvwm as a windowmanager but not with enlightenement
or sawfish. But even with fvwm the windowmanager tryes to position the 
applications, while with no windowmanager the things appear at the exact
position you want them to appear.

For those not familiar with display management in Linux
ctrl+alt+f1 --> console
ctrl+alt+f7 --> :0
ctrl+alt+f8 --> :2

and thus you can change freely from the display with mgp to your regular

I generally work with gnome and am forced to do the xinit -- :1 thing.
Maybe one could include this feature in the program?