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(mgp-users 00459) Re: linux-SuSE reading .mgp extensions question

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, tompoe wrote:

> Now, what and where do I get the info, i.e., which file will give me the info
> on enabling my linux box to read and execute this file extension?  I don't
> "recognize .mgp" at this time.  Any help and/or pointers to where I should look
> would be appreciated.  Sorry for my inexperience, here.

If you installed MagicPoint, then you have a binary
"mgp", which eats the .mgp-files.


Peter Toft, Ph.D. [pto@sslug.dk] http://www.sslug.dk/~pto

"You don't win a battle by asking, `Will we win?'
You win it by doing your best to win" - Richard M Stallman

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