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(mgp-users 00455) Re: math?

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Stephan C . Buchert wrote:

> There are various ways to make the usage of TeX/LaTeX in magicpoint more
> comfortable. A small script "tex2eps.sh" is included in the present
> magicpoint distribution. It can be used as an argument for the very useful
> "%filter" command in *.mgp scripts, and sends everything between the
> "%filter ... " and the "%endfilter" lines to the TeX system and generates
> EPS output.
> I have made trivial modifications to use LaTeX instead of TeX. Since the
> shell script "latex2eps.sh" is very short, I have attached it here.
> If this approach should be pursued further, the script could be refined
> - to check whether the EPS file is still lying around from a previous
> presentation and the *.mgp file has not been changed since then. If yes,
> the whole procedure could be skipped, thus speeding up magicpoint.

This is what made me write my own script. It takes too much time to
generate all formulas every time. Having the script check for new versions
and only doing what is necessary could be a good solution.

Though I still believe this should get into MagicPoint itself, since math
formulas / LaTeX are so commonly used. (At least in the math business...)
