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(mgp-users 00451) Re: New version of MagicPoint?

From: Lionel Cons <lionel.cons@cern.ch>
Subject: (mgp-users 00446) New version of MagicPoint?
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 17:04:34 +0900
Message-ID: <>

>> The current version of MagicPoint (1.07a) is 9 months old now, is
>> there any plan to release a new one soon? What would be the new
>> features?

Sorry.. I'm now straggling to release a new version. In my opoion, I would 
like to release it within a month or so. 
I think the new major feature of the current snapshot is charset directive 
which enables mgp to display iso-8859-[2-4] encoding with truetype fonts.
I hope this feature would be useful for european people.
However, I modified only mgp, so mgp2ps can't handle charset directive yet.
(I feel mgp2ps has lots of points that I have to re-construct. so I may make 
only just a few modification to mgp2ps in 1.08a.)
And If I can, I would like to add an another new feature to mgp in 1.08a.

Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.