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(mgp-users 00438) Re: transparent gifs

Yes - I had problems with gifs in mgp since moving to SuSE 7.0 too - I
don't know why and haven't asked anyone in SuSE yet ... - I actually use
jpg normally for graphics.

If as another mail in this thread said png works, then I'll change to

I hope everyone will tell everyone they know about mgp - I think its
absolutely brilliant: I find it's not very well known in the community.

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten wrote:

> Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@innocent.com> writes:
> > On 14 Nov 2000, Karsten Petersen <karsten.petersen@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> > > some time ago I made a patch to let mgp load images using imlib, that
> > > patch is capable of using transparency in pictures too.
> > > 
> > > you can find it here:
> > > 	http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~kapet/mgp/
> > 
> >  Are there any reasons why this is not going into the official
> > distribution?
> > 
> according to the TODO.jp and gif.c, mgp should handle transparency in gifs
> ... and I know that it did !
> I have upgraded the system from suse6.4 to suse7.0 since then - could it be
> that this has something to do with the external libaries ? 
> (Aaarrrrrghhhhh I need to bring back my presentation until tomorrow .....)
> c ya
> -thomas

Roger Whittaker
SuSE Linux Ltd
The Kinetic Centre
Theobald Street
020 8387 1482