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(mgp-users 00421) Re: %system command in Magicpoint playing up


On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Guenter Gebhard wrote:
> Working with fvwm an six virtual screens on my laptop with a display of
> 800x600 I invoke magicpoint in the upper leftmost screen with
> mgp -g 805x609+793+580
> an find it in the middle lower screen with the borders completely outside
> the visible screen. Maybee this works also with enligthenment.

fvwm2 is *still* my favourite WM. 

In .fvwm2rc I have a line: 

Style "MagicPoint"  NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0

This removes all decoration around the window and then I use:

mgp -g 800x600+0+0 file.mgp


 - Miha Tomšič --- C. na postajo 55 -- SI-1351 Brezovica pri Lj. --- SLOVENIA -