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(mgp-users 00380) Re: mgp-1.07a is crashing X

Concerning my problems with mgp crashing X and the connection with
KDE, I received this from the MagicPoint author:
 :: OK, 
 :: I'm not familier with KDE, but I have one linux box(redhat 6.2), 
 :: I will look into this on this weekend.
 :: --
 :: Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>

Just wanted to express my appreciation and surprise that the
author, himself, will look into this.   I have found that
with many, many packages this is not the case.  At least I
get no reply from the author when I report bugs or ask questions.

And this is a nice time to express my appreciation for MagicPoint itself.
I'm  trying to prepare a poster session for ICIP 2000 (International
Conference on Image Processing) with mgp and have exercised it quite
a bit over the last few days.

There are many features is does not (yet?) have but the ability to
manipulate my slides from simple ascii text files trumps them all so

This morning I will be sending to the mgp list some
questions/remarks/bugs I have compiled over these few days of living
with MagicPoint so you can take a look at what I have discovered.

Thanks again for a very useful and needed tool.

                                  Dean S. Messing
                                  Digital Video Processing & Analysis Grp.
                                  Sharp Laboratories of America
                          E-Mail: deanm@sharplabs.com