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(mgp-users 00377) Re: mgp-1.07a is crashing X

> Thanks,  Jim, for the reply.
> So it's a window manager issue and not a server issue?
> I'm running KDE 1.1.2.  I wonder if the bug is in the WM or in MagicPoint?
> If the former, I will submit a bug report to KDE.  If the latter then
> I suppose this discussion on the list constitutes a bug report here.
> What is the verdict?
> Dean

To add another data point, I'm using 2.2.16-3 kernel (on top of an
initial RedHat 6.0 installation -- 2.2.5-15), and using Gnome, with
an X server compiled to run on IBM Thinkpads -- that I found on a
Linux-Thinkpad webpage.

For me, %xsystem works fine.  However %system commands that generate
X-windows ocassionally flash the outline of the window, and then
dissappear, but mostly I don't even get to see the flash of the
window -- I just get nothing.  So I use %xsystem for displaying
X programs.  Probably also WM related.

I did find that using xanim sometimes works and sometimes doesn't -- based
on the movie clip.  I haven't done enough tests to determine if the
movie encoding format is the determining factor, but the one that worked
was a quicktime, and the one that didn't work was mpeg-1.  The mpeg-1
movie works fine when I run xanim outside of MGP.

The really cool thing about %xsystem was that I was able to embed a
virtual reality application directly into the talk slides.  I suspect
that was the first time that's been done.


P.S. thanks for the help with getting the fonts to look better.  I
managed to get things working smoothly before my talk.

While I prepared my talk, I encountered a few places where I think
MGP can be improved, and I plan to give most of my suggestions with
code to implement them, rather than a plea to have them implemented.

/* Bill Sherman  (wsherman@ncsa.uiuc.edu)                                */
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications                       */
/* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                            */
/*     Og - "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes" */
/*  Spinner - "but facts don't always reveal the truth"                  */
/*      Robin - "Yeah, but I always figure that's the writers' fault"    */