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(mgp-users 00374) mgp-1.07a is crashing X

Hello everyone.

I have downloaded and built mgp-1.07a from the src.rpm.
I'm on a Mandrake 7.1 system running linux-2.2.16-4mdk kernel.

MagicPoint built flawlessly and seems to run fine on the "tutorial"
in: /usr/share/doc/mgp-1.07a/sample/tutorial.mgp

However when I try to run /usr/share/doc/mgp-1.07a/sample/sample.mgp
it crashes X about halfway into the presentation,

Specifically it crashes on the slide following the "xeyes" slide, the
one with an "embedded X application" (which is xclock).

Looking at the source for sample.mgp I see that to get the eyes, it
calls "%system" and to get the xclock on the next slide it calls
"%xsystem".  Since there is no documentation I'm not sure what the
difference is.  But the latter crashes X everytime.

My X server is from the xf86 v. 3.3.6 distribution.  I'm running with
24 bits/pixel (Truecolor) but I've tried it with 16 bpp and the
crashes persist.   On my home
machine I'm running the SVGA server, on my laptop I'm running the
Mach64 server.  On both machines X crashes on the slide following the
"xeyes" slide.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before and/or know what the problem is?


                                  Dean S. Messing
                                  Digital Video Processing & Analysis Grp.
                                  Sharp Laboratories of America
                          E-Mail: deanm@sharplabs.com