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(mgp-users 00375) Re: mgp-1.07a is crashing X

Yes, I've had the same problem. I managed to run the entire sample presentation
with the BlackBox WM without crashing.

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I have downloaded and built mgp-1.07a from the src.rpm.
> I'm on a Mandrake 7.1 system running linux-2.2.16-4mdk kernel.
> MagicPoint built flawlessly and seems to run fine on the "tutorial"
> in: /usr/share/doc/mgp-1.07a/sample/tutorial.mgp
> However when I try to run /usr/share/doc/mgp-1.07a/sample/sample.mgp
> it crashes X about halfway into the presentation,
> Specifically it crashes on the slide following the "xeyes" slide, the
> one with an "embedded X application" (which is xclock).
> Looking at the source for sample.mgp I see that to get the eyes, it
> calls "%system" and to get the xclock on the next slide it calls
> "%xsystem".  Since there is no documentation I'm not sure what the
> difference is.  But the latter crashes X everytime.
> My X server is from the xf86 v. 3.3.6 distribution.  I'm running with
> 24 bits/pixel (Truecolor) but I've tried it with 16 bpp and the
> crashes persist.   On my home
> machine I'm running the SVGA server, on my laptop I'm running the
> Mach64 server.  On both machines X crashes on the slide following the
> "xeyes" slide.
> Has anyone seen this behaviour before and/or know what the problem is?
> Thanks,
> Dean
>                                   Dean S. Messing
>                                   Digital Video Processing & Analysis Grp.
>                                   Sharp Laboratories of America
>                           E-Mail: deanm@sharplabs.com