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(mgp-users 00348) displaying latin[2-4] encodings with truetype fonts

Hi, I developed the test version of magicpoint for displaying latin[2-4] 
encodings with truetype fonts. and I also implemented %charset directive
for this purpose. Currently, I modified only mgp, so mgp2ps cannot 
handle these modification. 

You can use these function as follows,
For example, you can specify truetype font for latin2 encoding, like:

%tfont "fontname" "iso8859-2"

If you don't want to use escape sequence to designate iso8859-2 encoding, 
you can use %charset directive, like:

%charset "iso8859-2"

The test version can be get from:

And you can get a sample mgp file for this version from:

If you're interested, please play with this version.
If you have any problem, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.
Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.