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(mgp-users 00287) Re: MagicPoint 1.07a

> > Running
> > 	./configure --enable-gif
> > the compilation fails badly (for instance on Red Hat Linux 6.1):
> Lionel,
>   Perhaps this won't help you, but I'll offer it anyway. I'm running RH 6.1
> and I downloaded and installed the rpm from the mgp web site. The version is
> 991206, and I have no idea how that relates to 1.07a. However, it installed
> flawlessly and works.

I am also trying to install 1.07a (running RH 6.1) and it does work.

Thanks, Lionel, I will check the RPM source.

Marcus Vinicius Santos            350 Victoria Street
Assistant Professor               Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3, CANADA
School of Computer Science        Phone: +1 416 979 5000 Ext: 7062 
Ryerson Polytechnic University    www.scs.ryerson.ca/~m3santos