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(mgp-users 00279) Resizing ISO-8859-2 T1 fonts: does not work; lists

I have tried to use mgp with ISO-8859-2 fonts, but I was not able to resize
them using %size directive:

If I use

%deffont "standard" xfont "-ult1mo-arial-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-2"

the fonts are very, very small and do not resize, if I use

%deffont "standard" xfont "-ult1mo-arial-medium-r-normal--36-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-2"

the normal size is OK, but the fonts do not resize, too (in 1.06a only the 
distances between characters change slightly, in 1.07a nothing). To use 
short font names is impossible because short font names of ISO-8859-2 fonts 
are the same as names of ISO-8859-1 fonts, so mgp would use ISO-8859-1 
fonts instead of ISO-8859-2. And if I use

%deffont "standard" xfont "arial-medium-r" "iso8859-2"

mgp would use ISO-8859-1 fonts. Will this problem be solved with %charset?
I don't think using font names abbreviations is a good idea...

For character languages (I mean not Japan, Chinese, etc.) it would be
nice if mgp would hyphenate the words (the algorithm from groff or TeX
could be taken).

Long lines in the item lists should be formatted this way

- this is long
and not

  - this is long

Also separate setting of vgap for multiple lines in one item and between
two items would be very nice.

                                                     With regards
                          ***  Petr Kolar  ***
 Department of Information Technologies, Technical University of Liberec
             Voronezska 1329, 461 17 Liberec, Czech Republic
             Phone: +420-48-535-2371   Fax: +420-48-535-2229
  E-mail: Petr.Kolar@vslib.cz  http://asterix.vslib.cz/staff/kolar.html