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(mgp-users 00187) Re: Fonts anf mgp


can you send me a screenshot to see what you mean by not

there is no antialiasing yet in x, but to be honest, all
rendering that i have done in projection screens makes it
unnoticeable whether the fonts are antialiased or not.

effectively, the projection does the antialiasing :)


--- Lars Munch <c948114@student.dtu.dk> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have read all the available documentation for mgp, and I am still
> not able to get nice smooth looking fonts. :-(
> I run a Red Hat 6.1 with FreeType and xfs and mgp-1.06a. I have tried
> with the ttf fonts suggested in the default.mgp file (cmXXX.ttf) and had
> no luck.
> The font server (xfs) is aware of my newly installed ttf-fonts, so
> this is not the problem.
> Any suggetions? Am I missing something?
> Please be gentle with me, I am new to this list.
> Best Regards
> -- Lars Munch


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