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(mgp-users 00164) LaTeX to mgp?


I'm hoping to use mgp to give my lectures this semester.  Currently I
have about 300 pages of SliTeX slides with xfig produced eps diagrams
that I want to convert to mgp.  I've been thinking of writing a perl
convert that will at least do the bulk of the translation for me.

Does anone know of something like this already?

Tony McGregor                   Mail:   T.McGregor@cs.waikato.ac.nz 
Department of Computer Science  Phone:  +64 7 838 4651 
Waikato University              Fax:    +64 7 838 4155         
Private Bag 3105                Home:   +64 7 825 5040 mobile: (025)281-8956
Hamilton, New Zealand           www:    http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~tonym